Mediawiki redirect
Mediawiki redirect

mediawiki redirect
  1. Mediawiki redirect update#
  2. Mediawiki redirect free#

If you have extra questions about this answer, please click "Comment". If the answer is the right solution, please click "Accept Answer" and kindly upvote it. This element specifies that URL rewrite module needs to redirect web client to a new URL that is constructed by concatenating the new domain name and the redirection URL path returned by "Redirects" map. You would think that if you could somehow insert a REDIRECT into that page that it would do what you want, but no. The page you see when you redirect to a media item is just another Wiki page (albeit an auto-generated one). If non-empty string was returned then that string will be captured in a back-reference, because of the parenthesis used in the pattern. The REDIRECT redirects one page to another page. The regular expression pattern will match only non-empty strings, so if empty string was returned from the map then the condition will evaluate to false, hence no rewriting will be performed. If rewrite map contains an entry with key, that is the same as REQUEST_URI, then the value corresponding to that key will be returned. To perform this check the value of the server variable REQUEST_URI is passed as a parameter to the rewrite map. The next step is to create a rule that uses "Redirects" rewrite map: With rewrite maps we can create only one rewrite rule. Further, this means that if we had not used rewrite maps we would have had to create three rewrite rules. If you received REDIRECT, direct the user to the redirecttarget.

Mediawiki redirect update#

This means that it is not possible to use regular expressions or wildcards to define URL transformation logic. Then post to this module with createcontinue and the relevant fields set, and repeat step 4. mediawiki Share Improve this question Follow asked at 11:50 Chris 742 5 14 25 Add a comment 2 Answers Sorted by: 2 Instead of using an ordinary page with a redirect, create a template which produces the direct link, and update the template as needed. Alternative solution is to write a MediaWiki extension and introduce yet another tag for such redirections, but it seems to be an overkill to me. universities are serving Fortnite and gift card spam. Add some JavaScript to MediaWiki:Common.js which would perform redirect when some condition occurs. Notice that there is no obvious common pattern in the keys and their relation to values. University websites using MediaWiki, TWiki hacked to serve Fortnite spam. For which old URLs you need to redirect to new URLs, add the corresponding keys and values. That said, the solution is simple: you need to locally alter. Contents 1 Local policies 1.1 Broken redirects 2 Purposes of a redirect 2. Redirects have different use cases through Wikimedia wikis. Here you need to add a rewrite map according to your actual situation. is not quite a relevant example, because its not even served by MediaWiki. For technical documentation about redirects, please visit dedicated help page on. A simple fix has been applied to this wiki so that redirects are done by the browser by having the wiki send out an HTTP 302 redirect status code.For your needs, I think it would be feasible to create a rewrite map that defines a static mapping between the source URL and the redirect URL. However, this does not alter the URL shown in the browser address bar and so could lead search engines to consider it as duplicate content. In the default MediaWiki installation it is possible to redirect from one page to another by including #REDIRECT ] at the very top of a page. # anything else is to be treated as a title DisambiguationError: if page provided is a disambiguation page Raises: :py:func:: if redirect is False and the. RewriteRule ^/*$ /index.php?title=Main_Page RewriteRule ^(.+) /path/to/web/directory/$1 It is written in the PHP programming language and stores the contents into a database.

mediawiki redirect

Originally developed by Magnus Manske and improved by Lee Daniel Crocker, it runs on many websites, including Wikipedia, Wiktionary and Wikimedia Commons. categorysnippet Adds a parsed snippet of the.

mediawiki redirect

isfilematch Adds a boolean indicating if the search matched file content. sectionsnippet Adds a parsed snippet of the matching section title. Redirects are generally avoided in Wiktionary they are used mostly for idiomatic phrases which have no chance of. sectiontitle Adds the title of the matching section.

Mediawiki redirect free#

However, because we have some pages which have dots in their titles (and hence their URLs), we had to apply the following rewrite rules: MediaWiki is free and open-source wiki software. redirectsnippet Adds a parsed snippet of the redirect title. RewriteRule ^(.+)$ /wiki/index.php?title=$1 RewriteRule ^/*$ /wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page To begin with we have these rewrite rules in place: These are some notes about setting up a MediaWiki for use by the Documentation Working Group.

Mediawiki redirect